Samsung now launched the most awaited product Galaxy J8 in India. Samsung is a world's most trusted mobile brand. In India, most of the smartphone users buy Samsung mobiles because of its quality, design, and durability. The new Samsung Galaxy J8 also have the same definition with Infinity Display and advanced features at a low price. Poorvika Mobiles give the best offers and deals for Samsung Mobiles Phones. To Check Samsung Mobile Phones Price List in India at Poorvika Mobiles.
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Samsung Galaxy J8 mobile comes with a powerful dual rear camera with led flash with F1.7 aperture captures your precious moments, The dual rear cameras of 16MP + 5MP capture with low light photography, Front camera 16MP with led flash to captures beautiful selfies at any lightings. To check the mobile usability in Poorvika Mobiles Live Demo at our showrooms.
Samsung Galaxy J8 mobile gives the fastest smartphone experience with the help of 4GB RAM + 64GB ROM with Qualcomm Snapdragon 450 processor, and perform with (Android Oreo 8.0) for more speed and smooth. The mobile comes with a dedicated slot and supports up to 256GB in its external memory. You can just come and check the mobile speed with Live Demo mobiles at your nearest Poorvika Showroom.
You can unlock your device with face unlock feature which comes with the model as an advanced feature in the market. It uses your face as a password to ensure that the contents of your phone are only for your eyes. You just look front of the mobile to unlock your device it is the additional features of the mobiles. The fingerprint unlocks option is used to protect your data.
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